666 followers on Bluesky comic

666 followers on Bluesky comic

A comic I made to celebrate reaching the 666 follower mark on Bluesky, which has me so incredibly chuffed.
The Happiest Birthday

The Happiest Birthday

A quick rumination on my 36th birthday.
Why does it always come to this?

Why does it always come to this?

Some art therapy I did to cope with the bullshit that was the result of 5 November 2024.
My Long Twitter Good-Bye

My Long Twitter Good-Bye

Wherein I expound at length about the final, bittersweet end of my Twitter journey.
Diary of a Transformers n00b II: The Way to Japan

Diary of a Transformers n00b II: The Way to Japan

A little older, a little wiser, I dive into the deep end of Japanese G1 Transformers and come out scathed.
Sectional Relations

Sectional Relations

"It didn't matter, though. He was so Omega that even through the cheap business suit he knew his _presence_ would be felt. Like that Olympian on the high bar, he was gonna _smack_ that seat cushion." The tawdry love story of a man and his couch. Because it was asked for.
Auto-refreshing Bluesky Timeline (web)

Auto-refreshing Bluesky Timeline (web)

Javascript code to auto-refresh the Bluesky timeline on the web client only when new content is available.
Pussy in Flashback

Pussy in Flashback

Wherein for my own pleasure and remembrance I go over my HOT TAKE reaction to the "Are you Being Served" reboot special from 2016. PLUS new Bonus material concerning AYBS remakes / spinoffs in America and Australia I learned about later!
Quick Story - What Fevered Imaginings There Be

Quick Story - What Fevered Imaginings There Be

A short tale of terror inspired by recent technological developments in AI.
My Cynical take for how this whole AI backlash is going to go.

My Cynical take for how this whole AI backlash is going to go.

Just a quick, bitter prediction that I can then point to in a few years and say "I was right." (or "Well that was wrong.")
Enjoy this Doctor Who Christmas present

Enjoy this Doctor Who Christmas present

From me to you, a remake of a bootleg Doctor Who shirt I saw with some extra touches.
Quick Story - A minute Miscalculation

Quick Story - A minute Miscalculation

A quick story based on a disturbing dream I had last night. Perfect for Hallowe'en.
There is no

There is no "Wanting", there is only "Being"

Wanting Deprives, Being Supplies.
Wherein I recount a strange dream I had last night.

Wherein I recount a strange dream I had last night.

I recount an odd dream-tale involving my husbando, a famous Youtuber, the property of a famous professional wrestler, Max von Sydow and eldritch creatures. It is less interesting than that description would lead one to believe.
Diary of a Transformers n00b

Diary of a Transformers n00b

In December 2021 I was introduced to the world of Transformers, which I had only known in passing and by osmosis. Collected herein for posterity is my collection of Twitter reaction threads to the entirety of Western G1 Transformers. I hope you will find them amusing.


So I decided to combine the various forces of my mobile's autocomplete, a GPT-2 Text generator, and CrAIyon (neé Dall-E Mini) to make a short story. A VERY short "story". This is what was created.
Jousting with Jouska

Jousting with Jouska

​"Jouska - a hypothetical conversation that you play out over and over in your head. For example, replaying an argument in your head where you say all the right things and 'win' the argument, or practising asking your boss for a raise and playing out his or her responses and your comebacks." My other half deals with this a lot and I finally decided to examine the phenomenon with him. A talk ensued...


Someone I follow on Twitter wrote that they would summarily block anyone on their timeline who mentioned a certain subject. That sort of behaviour irritated me. I shall now vent on that for a bit.
Sadly, I'm not sad to see this era end.

Sadly, I'm not sad to see this era end.

Just me rambling about my dissatisfactions with the Chibnall era. Please feel free to ignore.
Needless Eroticisim #1 - DEMATERIALISATION

Needless Eroticisim #1 - DEMATERIALISATION

A short story about a Man and his Box.
My third work,

My third work, "An Exchange of Fortunes" is out

My first proper full-length novella, "An Exchange of Fortunes", is now out on Amazon. Find out more inside!
My second book is out!

My second book is out!

I'm an idiot and forgot to post about the release of my second book, which is a Tech worker's nightmare manual and a Greedy Corporate CEO's bible - 101 Rules of Business Management for the Aspiring Corporate Don. Check out the sample inside!
Got wood?

Got wood?

Police Telephone Boxes are made of concrete, not wood. So why has the new series of Doctor Who repeatedly referred to the TARDIS outer shell as being made of wood? TL;DR it's probably Ian Marter's fault! Click in to see why!
My first book is now out! Introducing: Space Help! Interstellar Troubleshooters!

My first book is now out! Introducing: Space Help! Interstellar Troubleshooters!

What happens when you put a vain, eccentric time-hopping scientist, his sarcastic space-witch psychic girlfriend, a defective android obsessed with human mating rituals and a fierce warrior from the grimdark far edge of the Universe whose armour is almost as thick as he is together in one place? Adventure happens.

"You thought it was stubbornness, but it was me, Trauma, all along!"

Wherein I discover the truth of my own dysfunction.
a moment of bliss

a moment of bliss

oh my god it's a poem


Just some anger at the misery of human greed.
The Timeless Irritation (DW Short)

The Timeless Irritation (DW Short)

An In Media Res quick fic simultaneously explaining, accepting and rejecting the shock of the Timeless Child all at once.
Meditations on guilt, apathy, distancing and noninterventionism

Meditations on guilt, apathy, distancing and noninterventionism

TL;DR: I hate getting involved in things that are none of my business, and then I hate myself for not wanting to make it my business, and I question my ethical centre.
What words cloud within one's mind?

What words cloud within one's mind?

A short NOT AT ALL BIOGRAPHICAL FIC based on a word cloud based on my Twitter. Any tangential resemblance to reality will be strenuously denied.
Doctor Who: Look upon my works and...

Doctor Who: Look upon my works and...

A small fanfic about a cursed book, a little girl, the Doctor and the power of words.
Late Night New-Age Rambling

Late Night New-Age Rambling

Just a load of hypothetical non-scientific paranormal musing. Feel free to ignore.
Creating a Coronavirus PSA

Creating a Coronavirus PSA

A high-level look into how I put together a Coronavirus mental Health PSA in Photoshop
What the fuck do I say?

What the fuck do I say?

I have so many friends and acquaintances legitimately afraid of dying and I don't know what to tell them.
Random Thinkings on Coronavirus

Random Thinkings on Coronavirus

A rambling reflection on the sudden left turn the world has suddenly seemed to take as history shifts around the nexus called "COVID-19", the Coronavirus.
Fun with joom.com

Fun with joom.com

Inspired by one of Ashens' videos I went to Joom.com and looked up some items. This is the result.
I'm just done with people.

I'm just done with people.

Fuck Brexit and the horse it rode in on (and the horse we'll be riding out on). Fuck Corbyn, Fuck Johnson, Fuck Farage, Fuck the voters who just decided they didn't give a shit about their own well being, Fuck Twitter for giving me any kind of hope, Fuck Everything. FUCK. (Less sweary take inside, but just imagine I'm still swearing throughout all of it.)

"Joker" is nothing to Laugh about.

My hot take on Joker after having seen it. I think it does a disservice to the mentally ill / socially maladapted among us...
24 September 2019: Justice comes to Helltown

24 September 2019: Justice comes to Helltown

​24 September 2019. Perhaps the day the moral arc of the universe began to bend back towards justice, bent by the persistent hand of dedicated individuals who risked safety, reputation and career to hold to account the larger-than-life criminals who sought to pervert Democracy into their own personal playgrounds of prestige and profit. The first day that's made me hopeful politically in a long time...
The Thalek Conspiracy

The Thalek Conspiracy

To work off my frustrations with idiots on both sides of the pond, one more #DoctorWho target cover filled with morons and capped off by not one, but TWO possible #AI generated explanations of what is happening. Not one of my WHOMances unless you count being in love with stupidity...
The Peinforte WHOmances: IDIC

The Peinforte WHOmances: IDIC

The two most phallic characters in Doctor Who finally cross the streams...
These Modern Relationships.

These Modern Relationships.

You'd think love would be an easy thing to accept. But it really isn't for some....
The Peinforte WHOmances: Soothing the Savage Beast

The Peinforte WHOmances: Soothing the Savage Beast

More AI-Generated slash fun in the Whoniverse. This time: Worf and the Brigadier.
The Peinforte WHOmances: Hearts of Ice and Stone

The Peinforte WHOmances: Hearts of Ice and Stone

So in an effort to reclaim the ostensible remit of my Twitter Account, I fed an #AI a #DoctorWho slashfic prompt and it filled out the rest. I then made a cover based on the result for what I have dubbed the first of the Target #Whomances - I give thee "Hearts of Ice and Stone"
Make Discord @#$@#$ing Narrower

Make Discord @#$@#$ing Narrower

For my reference, mainly. How to make the Discord Chat window resizable beyond what Discord thinks is right for you.
Workplace power Dynamics and Abusive Relationships

Workplace power Dynamics and Abusive Relationships

Just a musing on how a bad work environment is mental abuse.


"Take off your clothes, leave your clothes on, get in the pool man. And look. This is what's happening." Join me, won't you, for a deep dive into the cinematic tide pool that is GETEVEN.
I've Something in common with Eric Idle.

I've Something in common with Eric Idle.

In Eric Idle's new autobiography, he mentions his dilemma of being connected to so many countries and yet being ashamed to commit to one. In much the same situation, I feel the same. I have reproduced the section below and it's so sad to see my pain echoed elsewhere:
Hands out of my Memory Jar.

Hands out of my Memory Jar.

I've a theory on why introverted, socially-underdeveloped people like myself find it so very hard to forget-or forgive-certain events and trespasses in their life and find them occupying too much mind-space. I think our memory jars are too empty. What does that mean? Read on~ (this sort of rambles)
On the Curious Comfort of having a Cold

On the Curious Comfort of having a Cold

​I am currently afflicted with a cold, chills and a fever, which happens to me from time to time. It makes me sleepy, weak, and even more irritable than usual, yet at the same time evokes a sense of comforting nostalgia within me that makes me smile..(!)
Shower Thoughts on Currency Transfer in the Age of the Beast

Shower Thoughts on Currency Transfer in the Age of the Beast

So, as I was showering this morning, as it always happens, I had a thought. No, not one of _those_. That was my _second_ thought. But I digress~ I had a thought about the quick transmission of American money and the destruction of paper cash society. Yay! Read on if you dare...
Talking to Cats - The Educated Stupid

Talking to Cats - The Educated Stupid

Wherein I examine human mental boundaries in the context of language and telepathically reaching out to house pets.
Best. Day. Ever.

Best. Day. Ever.

So, I'm a fan of One Piece. And a fan of "The Pirate Princess" WWE wrestler Kairi Sane. So I decided to put two and two together...
Dimensional Displacement - A primer

Dimensional Displacement - A primer

Click through to see my Infographic on Dimensional Displacement, the phenomenon that can explain why past actors are recast in Doctor Who
Godzilla vs Cyberking

Godzilla vs Cyberking

I was feeling a bit down so I asked for a Photoshop challenge. This is the result. Click on to see how it was made (roughly)
Loving the Pawn Star

Loving the Pawn Star

Because Xadium decided it would be amusing to threaten me with a Paisley / Chumlee of Pawn Stars fame pairing, I decided to envision this. (Click to see the horror)
Brexit: A Guide for Children (by Excelpope, Illustrated by me)

Brexit: A Guide for Children (by Excelpope, Illustrated by me)

Click inside to see~
[ More than ] Just a Children's Show~

[ More than ] Just a Children's Show~

The casting of the Thirteenth Doctor as female has led to a great deal of words being said across the Internet and the world about Doctor Who, and it has caused me to reflect, not on the decision--which I think is wholly right and proper--but on the general question of why something that happens in Doctor Who--a Children's Television programme--matters, and what its place in the world is. And why I revulse internally when I hear it referred to as one, even though that's exactly what it is. Why does the Programme mean so much to me?
We must be kind.

We must be kind.

Warning, this is a ramble about the world and politics and things. Stay away if you want.
Silly Theory: Bill is Susan! (Series 10 spoilers, obviously)

Silly Theory: Bill is Susan! (Series 10 spoilers, obviously)

Writing this now so I can either be supremely smarmy about it if I'm right, or I can laugh at myself horribly if I'm wrong. Mind you, I hate overly ambitious fan theories in New Who...
SaaS Sucks, shows Sakura, sadly.

SaaS Sucks, shows Sakura, sadly.

So I dumped hours of my life into playing a mobile game. Unlocked everything, got all the rewards... ...And then the game got unceremoniously shut down... Cue my outr
Virtual Unreality

Virtual Unreality

So, after having finally upgraded my Samsung Phone, I got a free Gear VR as a Pre-order Bonus. Yes! Virtual Reality in the palm of my hand. As a true geek, I was unreasonably excited for this. Who hasn't dreamed of donning a headset and physically entering Cyberspace? It's a Cyberpunk dream. I got the package yesterday, and quickly set it up. And then I was terrified. not because the content was scary... but because it was too good. I, for the first time, understood what the Luddites probably felt. Oblige me as I explain...
A View of the Stormfront

A View of the Stormfront

​So Many puns I could have used here. “Welcome to the WHITE House” or “It’s going to be a WHITE Christmas.” But I chose a NeoNazi one because it’s more thematically apt...
Drumpf uber alles

Drumpf uber alles

​So my latest pet theory of the moment is that Donald Trump is A Bond Villain.
What if…?

What if…?

WARNING - Mostly Nonsense ahead. “I wonder if the Emperor Honorius watching the Visigoths coming over the seventh hill truly realized that the Roman Empire was about to fall. This is just another page in history, isn’t it? Will this be the end of *our* civilization? Turn the page.” –Captain Jean-Luc Picard.
No I’m not dead, which never ceases to amaze me.

No I’m not dead, which never ceases to amaze me.

​These days I spend a great deal of time being a shoulder of support for my various friends, most of whom have varying degrees of suffering in their lives at any given time, as do we all. And I do my utmost to reassure them that they are not alone, that things will be fine, that they do not have to fall alone into a cold abyss. I try to be a sort of social support, if you will– which is hard, as I’m inherently introverted by nature...
A bloom fades in time

A bloom fades in time

​I look at these women making money doing cosplay shoots and selling photos of it, and...
Do it for (Her, Him, Them)

Do it for (Her, Him, Them)

You know, being young and free of responsibility and obligation is amazing. You don’t have to be beholden to anyone, and you are master of your own destiny. Then, adulthood, and relationships and connections....


I’m going to ask you all to indulge my whinging for a moment, because I think this is an important screed. I hate the new Sailor Moon based game “Moon Drops”.
Random Shower thought

Random Shower thought

​That game / anime whatever where girls are ships and people think about either fucking them or them fucking each other…
Why things don’t work out.

Why things don’t work out.

​“I’ll give you want you want the most,” she moaned huskily to the Time Lord, narrowing her violet eyes and unbuttoning the top two buttons of her tight blouse, revealing her ample chest. “Excellent,” he intoned, pulling out a dataPADD that had a 20 digit number glowing on its screen...
On Pronounciaton

On Pronounciaton

So it occurs to me that if one pronounces the name of popular tech blog “Gizmodo” the same way half the world pronounces the acronym “GIF”...
But who’s on the bottom?

But who’s on the bottom?

​You know… the Title of the Beatles’ song “Come Together” is innuendo-laden enough, but...
Miles Gives it to her straight

Miles Gives it to her straight

What it says on the tin
Hatsune Miku x Michael Jackson = A new world

Hatsune Miku x Michael Jackson = A new world

No, this isn’t a slashfic. Though now I’m pondering it… Consider Japan’s take on the virtual performer versus America's...
The horrific life of Mr. Hankey at 120 Backstreet

The horrific life of Mr. Hankey at 120 Backstreet

The Dark side of Holmes / Watson Slashfic NO ONE EVER TALKS ABOUT
That'll leave a Hog wart~

That'll leave a Hog wart~

“Oh that wand wasn’t made out of petrified wood...
Ho Dear

Ho Dear

​The principal difficulty, as I see it, in penning a compelling and captivating erotic scene featuring Hodor is that there are only so many ways one can reliably relate the varying stages of Hodor’s ecstasy via dialogue. To wit:
Lord of the Flings

Lord of the Flings

​“Show me your Bobbit-Hole,” Randalf requested slowly. Rodo dropped his trousers, unsure of the Wizard’s reasoning.
What Price Beauty

What Price Beauty

​“I’m afraid I cannot compute,” Commander Robot protested. “Don’t worry,” Elder Space Captain declared with supreme gravitas. “We’re just ensuring that all your functions are thoroughly debugged."
blog image


I'm a snarky, semi-horrible human being given to penning intentionally bad epic slashfiction involving improbable objects and individuals, with the ultimate ambition of befouling Kindle with it one day,which is ostensibly what this blog is for.

In practice, however, it tends to mainly be a circular file for my various thoughts and ideas, some whimsical and others not, in addition to my various Photoshop experiments, mainly collections of what I originally generated for Twitter but now do for Mastodon Threads Bluesky thanks to Twitter becoming a fascist hellscape.

I also have a sideproject doing art for my addition to Doctor Who fanon, Karnian Script which is a more sigil-based, witchy take on Galifreyan variants.